Lets take a deeper look at the current state of play when it comes to workplace productivity, and its impacts on the organisation.

Gartner research shows that there has been a 44% increase in the use of collaboration tools over the past 3 years and a 16% increase in storage/sharing tools over the same time period.*

However, training or personal development tools have remained stagnent.

Workplaces have dramatically changed the way in which employees are required to work, connect and collaborate, but have failed to provide aquate training to help the employees with the transition.

*Gartner Survey Reveals a 44% Rise in Workers’ Use of Collaboration Tools Since 2019

81% of SMBs have indicated that improving employee’s skills and capabilities is a top priority for them in the next 12-24 months.

Lets take a deeper look at the current state of play when it comes to workplace productivity, and its impacts on the organisation.

As organisations have embraced new tools and platforms to enhance productivity, it becomes crucial to address the impact of inadequate technology training on individual and team performance.

Some of the implications of the lack of training include:

    • Reduced efficiency and effectivness
    • Increased error rates
    • Resistance to change
    • Decreased employee confidence and engagement
    • Increased support and maintenance costs

The truth of the matter is the increased workload, increased technology and lack of training or support is burning out the workforce.

So the question needs to be, how can we get technology working better together? And how can we better train employees to use the technology solutions we have in place?

Once an organisation shifts their focus and attention to these two areas with the help of their MSP, they can then begin to explore the following:

    • Burnout and turnover of staff
    • Strategies to increase productivity
    • Better equipping staff with CX capabilities

What does this mean for MSPs?

MSP’s need to shift their thinking and possibly expand their service offerings to include training. If MSPs can piviot and correctly positon themselves now, they will be ready to better service their clients when it comes to implementing new technology or training staff on current technology platforms. All of which will increase the MSPs value and stickness to their clients.

Shift to Optimisation

The focus of an MSP needs to be shifting into optimisation mode to protect the clients and investments they have right now. Focus on working closer with clients to help train staff, and increase productivity and inturn SMBs will see an increase in CX, which we know is a priority for them right now.

Crayon recently released an ebook titled “The Future of UnWork”. Download your copy today and join us as we unpack what MSPs need to be doing now to secure their business, support their SMB clients and ride the wave of stagnent investment into producitvity over the next 12 –24 months.

*The Future of Operations: Maximize the Value of Cloud with a Strategic Mindset: a Forrester Consulting study commissioned by rhipe, December 2022.

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